... of a guardian ad litem. What could be better? What could be more relaxing? What could make more sense?
8:00 In line for coffee and the barista can't find the toasted marshmallow syrup. This could be bad. Looks like I'll be late again.
9:00 On the phone with a counselor for kids. Right. I completely agree. Too much pressure on this kid, we need to back off. We're not disagreeing, I promise you. We're both saying the same thing, we're just coming from different
angles. A meeting? Sure. Just let me reschedule about 4 other things and we'll have a meeting.
angles. A meeting? Sure. Just let me reschedule about 4 other things and we'll have a meeting.
10:00 Court scheduling. The 2 desk calenders and the planner battle it out. Keeping the master court calender for 20 volunteer staff and 160 foster kids is no match for me, though. Wait, was that ... did they really just schedule 3 dependency hearings on the same day at the same time in 2 different courtrooms? What the ...
11:00 New kids into foster care ... at least they're physically safe now ... even if they are completely traumatized by being removed from the only thing they know ... and the frosting on the cake is little one's statement, "Can I please just have a family that wants me?" Yeah. Not kidding.
1:00, 2:00, 3:00 Volunteer training. This is domestic violence. This is mental health. This is how a kid moves through the foster care system. This is how you foster your own resiliency. You must foster your own resiliency.
4:00 Lead a cognitive behavior therapy group for the teens in juvie. Yes - you're right - hubris can be what we experience right before we get locked up. It can lead to thinking you're above the law. Kid, I've never heard you say that before. Where did you get that insight?
{And the bonus for us that aspire to pay for out of state, graduate tuition ...}
5:00, 6:00, 7:00 Wait tables.
And 8:00 the next morning? In line for coffee ...