* lining up matchbox cars so the six year old can crash his toy helicopter into them, the crashes getting bigger each time.
* one reading of Sponge Bob Squarepants.
* discussing the finer points of Pink Floyd in 100 degree wheat field summers on the front porch with the 13 year old.
* miniature 2 year old arms wrapped around my neck, little head pressed against my cheek.
* two toddler "i love you's" when I leave the home.
* i will do social work forever. i will love these kids forever.
This is social work:
* endless conversations with service providers that conclude we don't know as much as we'd like to believe. sighs. breaks in the conversation. what are the family's resiliency factors again?
* awkwardly supervising a visit between parent and child. everybody's on their best behavior. love and risk and hurt and power so thick you can reach out and touch it.
* staring at the computer, wishing so hard you can make your words really align to what you're thinking for that court report that's due today.
* i cannot do social work forever. i will love these kids forever.
When I write those reports, I listen to Massanet. Beethoven. It's just complicated enough without being dark. I cannot listen to Mozart or Siberius. They mock the complexity of my recommendations with their simple little melodies.
What people are capable of can astound you.
Both ways.
Again, I am in awe of the burden you carry & bless you for doing it.
Discipline I have for things I love to do- self-control over what I should not do, not so much :-S
It's nice to see another who's out there doing work that matters, work that needs to be done, work that is done with care. Be well,
I always have great admiration for folks that do a job that makes a real different to people's lives.
Your title alone gave me something to think about; thank you. It is going to be so interesting to be able to look back and see all the different people you have positively impacted.
You are one beatiful/amazing woman, Lisa. I love both the truth and depth with which you percieve life. Thanks for writing it all down and then sharing it with us.