*  No, I don't have any of my own.

* It's all copyrighted. 

* All client details are my privilege to keep confidential.  Confidentiality = trust.  What will show up here are what clients say to me about me or how things affect me.  Me, me, me (weird, I  know).   Spontaneous comments in parking lots might show up, though, and because I'm paranoid, I've even changed any identifying information about this.

* I make up case studies a lot. Conglomerations of people I've worked with that represent major recurring themes. They're not real. No worries.

* Nothing here is intended to diagnose or treat. But I'm happy to be your friend. I'm sure we'd hit it off.

*  All opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not reflect the position, necessarily, of Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work, Oregon Health & Science University, or any agency I have ever been employed with as either a paid employee or graduate intern (the names of these agencies  kept confidential to protect the identity of the consumers).