and i will love being done.
next june will be the culmination of three years of some of my best social work work so far. i can say with confidence i've put my whole heart and entire being into this masters degree. but it is just the best social work so far. i can't even imagine the amazing things to come once i step back into the field. i can't wait to add to my ten years of bachelor's level experience.
my school bag is ready.
my alarm clock is set.
i have my first training at my internship tomorrow (while last year was a journey into geriatric psychotherapy, this year marks a journey back into the world and hearts of children and their families).
my first class (social work with children, adolescents and families) tomorrow evening.
i may not sleep tonight. (i get that worked up.)
it was a good, long last weekend of summer. shoes and i successfully booked our first choice of a wedding venue -- one that we are entirely thrilled about (even shoes, even though he tries not to be). we have a date. the moms and i will be looking for a dress at the end of october. the attendant list has almost been fully confirmed ... just a few more people to talk to. my dear friend molly offered the use of her own wedding arch, and molly and i are both so, so stoked that we will both have been married under it. much to do in the upcoming year.
it does my soul well to know shoes and i are getting married in his hometown. maybe because i do not have a hometown. we'll make that the topic of the next post. hometown. roots. where we come from and where we're going. for now, here's (yet another blurry one due to my amazingly slow shutter release) a picture of me in shoes' hometown. the gorgeous wheat? very much a part of the scenery of the venue.
makes me excited all over again.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again- we will survive this together!
I hope everything went well today. I can't wait to hear all about your internship and classes.
@Elizabeth - cake. Bring on the cake.
@BreAnna - I can't wait to hear how *your* internship and classes are going and I'm excited to see you this afternoon. :D