~ a new part time job, waiting tables and serving dinner to the elderly at a cafe in an assisted living village. the result? so very many sweet requests, like, could you please cut my brussel sprouts in two? ~ and ~ please, please blend my spinach, and when you think it's blended, please blend it some more. this is three nights a week for just a few hours. God is really and truly using this season in my life to teach me about what it really means to serve others and truly put others before me.
~ a soon to happen visit from a very dear blogging friend from back in the MSN days. {soon as she should be here in about 30 minutes.} what an unbelievable thing to have mrs. ronna so close {just two and a half hours away.} she has been amazing over the course of this past year and is one of those women that helped give a piece of myself back.
~ a wonderful labor day camping trip out on the lake. three days of too much food, several naps, countless wipeouts on the knee boards and one fantasy football draft. {right. didn't so much take part in the last one.}
~ a new boy, who's actually been around for a few months now. an old friend who has been patiently courting and patiently waiting. we pray a lot about this. part of me would like to carefully scrutinize every tiny part of the newness of us to ensure that i really, really won't get hurt. but i know that's really, really not possible, so we pray. and pray. and go so slowly. but he's a good thing.
have i said it before? thanks, God, for You. i see You. see You everywhere.
Many blessings to celebrate; I'm so pleased to hear that hope in your "voice" & the lightness I feel here. Prayers of peace, hope, & confidence winging toward you.
Glad that everything is going well. You continue to amaze me with what you take on and how you handle it all. It is amazing to see God work in you.
I am especially excited to hear about a new boy. I know that it must be difficult to get past that thinking you are going to get hurt. I try to think about how I will be if I ever am in another relationship. Gives me hope that maybe God will put someone new in my life.
Love you much!
I am so happy for you. It's good to hear about good things happening for you instead of more struggles. As Meg said a "lightness" and hope. Hurray for "plans to prosper and give you hope."
Love you!
I am so happy to read this list...so glad that God is blessing you with grace upon grace, that He is bringing joy and healing day by day with only the very best things.
I wish you, only His very, very best, precious and beautiful friend.
You sound happy. I'm delighted for you. I hope your fondest expectations are met and exceeded in this relationship. Be well,
YIPPIE!!! Lots of exciting changes happening. I am soooooooo happy for you. *I am doing a happy damce for you right now!!*
you know I have to ask... a BOY! I have a small guess that I know is not correct but has me laughing a little. hehehe
Love you Lisa!
sorry, sarah. it's not bunj. ;)
My dear friend.....
Thank you for the wonderful time at your home and for giving up your bed to me (you didn't have to do that) and for great food and wonderful conversation and sharing the boy with me. I loved every second. I hope you are enjoying the warmth in your town (record heat!) I know I am loving it here.
Miss you!!
OMG You totally know me..hahaha
Mom has her guess...any ideas?
S - the only person who cuts my hair is named Lori. She's fabulous. No more hair dressers. ;) - L
nope nope.. this one is extra "special"