And that's certainly not because I'm not thankful for anything.
I've really loved reading the everyday (and not so everyday) blessings that you've enjoyed (and I have enjoyed through you).

This Thanksgiving, there's a few things I find myself being deeply grateful for ... right now ... this year brings a host of blessings, but let's save those for the end of the year post ...

So, right now ...

...the opportunity to humbly partner with my clients as they develop new narratives
...the absolute courage of said clients

Also ...

...raucous laughter
...winter air
...Rosie galloping in the snow mochas from Thomas Hammer
...text pictures of my sassy Goddaughter, Rebekah
...the smell of Rosemary (don't know, just love it)

Above all else ...

...a God who loves humanity more deeply than I will ever figure out
...a partner who is more deeply fantastic and wholly good than I could have ever asked for
...this life.

(ellipses don't work here.)  This Thanksgiving, I am also reminded that I am placed in a position of privilege -- privilege awarded to me due to absolute no merit or hard work of my own.  What I'm thankful for is fundamentally shaped by this privilege because my experience as a human being is shaped by this privilege.  This privilege is a slippery slope, and I am thankful for the daily opportunity to deeply examine it and, in any way I can, to use it as an ally.  I am grateful for those in my life who are not at all afraid to call out this privilege.  I am grateful for that discomfort.  I am grateful for the opportunity to realize how much I do not know.  I am humbly grateful for the learning.

Tongue in cheek ...

I am grateful that the Cougar Football Season is over and that my wonderful Shoes will be returned to a place of non dispair.  Please join with me in praying for Coug Fans the nation over.  May they know a season of less heartbreak next year.

Be blessed.  Enjoy your families this holiday (those blood and those you have chosen).  May we move forward in the rest of the year truly remembering how grateful we are today and not lose sight of that in the upcoming weeks.


  1. BreAnna on November 22, 2012 at 10:21 AM

    I am thankful for you. For your tender heart, your friendship, your vulnerability, your company and encouragement this past year.
    I too hope that next year will bring less heartbreak for Shoes and the rest of the Coug Fans. ;)

  2. Lisa on November 22, 2012 at 11:03 AM

    @BreAnna - I am thankful for you. And your support. And your gentleness. You're amazing.

  3. Andrea on November 22, 2012 at 5:49 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

    ... I am off to find a Canadian version of an orange mocha... ;)

  4. Lisa on November 24, 2012 at 9:19 AM

    @Andrea - Thanks, dear heart. And if you ever try one of those orange mochas, let me know what you think! :)

  5. Anonymous on November 24, 2012 at 10:21 AM

    what BreAnna said...ditto. Love you.

  6. AandW Drive-Thru on December 3, 2012 at 5:08 PM

    Hummm..... orange mocha! I may just have to request that the next time I go to a coffee shop if I can find somewhere that carries orange syrup.
    Oh! And Rosemary... we make a killer rosemary ranch chicken kabob you'll have to try sometime. ;)


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