I watch bad TV.  I do.  I don't even know if I can apologize.  And when I mean bad TV, I mean Bad T.V.  Grey's Anatomy, Lost, The Bachelorette (told you ...)  What's the pull?  I can't even tell you.  I have no idea.  When Shoes and I first started dating, I made, asked, him to watch it with me.  He will not, Will Not, do that anymore.

Well, since I brought it up ...

Tattoos are never a good idea to impress a lady.  Creepy Casey.  Are you kidding me?  Wrong on so many levels.  I don't even think I can watch next week.

(Who am I kidding?)


  1. Elizabeth on June 14, 2010 at 10:48 PM

    It's probably the only one I don't watch...I'm into Hells Kitchen...something about Gordon Ramsey cussin at everyone is funny to me. I like Design Star even though I never watch the winners show, I just like watchin what they have to do. Similarly the next food network star gets me going too. I actually like the one that won last year, but really do we need to have yet another show to watch on the food network or HGTV I mean really how much food and home decor can we really watch. If we lived together (oh wait we did that once) I'd probably watch that show with you. :0)

  2. Ronna on June 15, 2010 at 1:32 AM

    OMGOSH. That guy totally creeps me out, lol. And WHAT WAS WITH THE BAD SINGING THIS WEEK? Holy cow. First of all, they built up that whole tattoo thing to be like he tried to kill himself or something, I have to say I was a little disappointed that all he did was get a hideous tattoo. And can we just talk for a second about WHY SHE IS KEEPING THAT ICKY LAWYER? (No offense intended to Shoes.) That Craig dude is just the height of Smarm. *shudder* Let's not even START with the wrestler. I am rooting for Chris L from Maine. He has my vote. Or possibly Frank but at this point I think it is Chris L all the way. He is a good egg and I like him lots. I don't even know if she is good enough for him. In fact, I have a friend back here in Spokane who would be perfect for him. Move over Ali...

    But Casey, *SHUDDER* He is just I.C.K.Y.

    Come live with me. We can watch bad TV together. Big Brother starts in three weeks. :D I have watched the finale of Greys three times and cried each time. Bad TV is like good therapy. It makes you feel good about yourself when it's over, lol.

    You are my soul mate, I always knew it. <3 Youuuuuu!!!!


  3. t i m on June 15, 2010 at 10:52 AM

    if u enjoy it, then it's not bad... ok i lie, he-he

    your list is not quite my preffered viewing, but its good to have some escapism with TV every now & then :)

  4. Lisa on June 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM

    @ Elizabeth - I love Hells Kitchen too. Sometimes. Ok, I love the idea. The problem is, the show actually makes me anxious!

    @ Ronna - Chris L. is my vote allllllllll the way. I hope he doesn't turn out to be a jerk. :(

    @ Tim - my list shouldn't be ANYBODY'S preferred viewing! ;)

  5. AandW Drive-Thru on June 15, 2010 at 10:45 PM

    confessions... I watched the Bachelor last season... first time I watched the whole season.
    And I sometimes like to watch America's Next Top Model... their outfits/hair styles are just so interesting sometimes... and the challenges... and the drama.
    And uhm... Hell's Kitchen occasionally, but it makes me anxious too Lisa.

  6. Lisa on June 16, 2010 at 12:51 PM

    @W: I like A.N.T.M. too - I always think I'll learn how to dress myself. Sadly, that hasn't happened ... ;)


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