My last graduate school paper started in stacks on the bed.  Orderly piles of articles, handouts, post it notes of flashes of genius (or not) to add to the rough draft.

I find it ironic that the paper I started using to post my additions to was my syllabus for Restorative Yoga.  

And then the orderly piles made it to a big fat mess on my dining (read:  card) table.  It was unholy.  (The Mess.)

And that is me.
With my Last Graduate School Paper,
the paper that details all of the fabulous theoretic underpinnings which guide my clinical practice.
A page turner, I'm sure.

One desk reference book to edit.
One presentation on Child PTSD / Proposed Changes for the new DSM / Current EBPs.
Graduation in on 6/16.

I do not think I know where the last 3 years have gone...


  1. Andrea on June 1, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    WaHoooo!! Your last paper! Holding that sucker all finished must feel amazing...

    You are a Super Trooper! :D

  2. Anonymous on June 1, 2012 at 11:55 AM



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