... it was actually pretty fantastic.   I took a blogging break because I think I took a break from real life.

That was pretty fantastic too.  I graduated.  I went on a road trip (as previously discussed).  I moved all of my worldly belongings to Pullman.  And that's where I get stuck.

How to describe what life is like now?

I'm not in school.  No clinicals.  No job at OHSU.  I work on a lot of stuff for the wedding (which I'm so excited to show you.  I had no idea I could make these kind of projects ....) and, here's our very big news.

We're becoming parents.

To Puppy.

Yes.  We're staying with my mother in law (but in all fairness, it's a monster house).
Yes.  We're getting married in about a month.
Yes.  We have about 15 family members staying with us for the wedding.
Yes.  I'm looking for a job.
Sure.  We have our hands full.
But.  We have been wishing and hoping and planning for puppy for 3 long years.

This is puppy at 5 weeks old.
She's a Golden Retriever (Red) with good breeding and a sweet disposition.
I'm picking her up on July 31st in Spokane (her breeder is driving her from Okanogan).
She's a dollface.
I'm seriously in  love.
I keep her picture up on the laptop.
I've puppy proofed the house.
Researched puppy training (obsessive research).
Bought her a million toys she may never play with.

The breeder calls her "purple collar."  The breeder's granddaughter calls her "Clara."  The vet just re-named her "Big Bertha" because she is one seriously chunky ball of LOVE.  We don't have a name for puppy yet.

I'm so ready to have her here. 
With us.


  1. Andrea on July 13, 2012 at 4:59 PM

    Oh Lisa - she is just squishably cute! Congrats on the puppy love! Excited to see your wedding projects - enjoy this pace of life after the craziness of the last few (years?) ;)

  2. Lisa on July 13, 2012 at 9:32 PM

    Thanks, Andrea! I seriously cannot wait to have her here with us. And I'll post some pictures soon re: wedding projects!

  3. BreAnna on July 13, 2012 at 10:34 PM

    I can't wait to squeeze her! And pet her. And love on her. I'm not even kidding when I say that picturing her in my head is one of the only things that helps with my current "condition." I actually made my Mr start talking about her when we were out to dinner tonight. ;)
    I'm happy for you & Shoes to have a new little lady in your lives!

  4. Unknown on July 14, 2012 at 3:39 AM

    What a stunning little puppy, how lucky you are x

  5. Lisa on July 14, 2012 at 8:38 AM

    @BreAnna - I can't wait for you to squeeze her! I think she'll probably make an appearance at the wedding (don't tell the event coordinator). Soon I'll be able to send pictures directly to you. From my phone.

    @Diane - Thank you! We feel super lucky to have found her!


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